April 18, 2019
Data, Public Goods, Public Interest and Good Governance
Multiple actors and several methods for the transparency and good governance
in April 2019 from 9:00 to 13:30 at Mozsar Coffee (Budapest, Nagymező u. 21.)
A conference organized by the CRCB with the support of commonfare.net and the EU
Citizens, grassroots initiatives and movements, as well as NGOs, think tanks and institutes have stepped up to support good governance from the bottom up. In the conference we would like to present several actors and several activities which have different professional background and they use different methods to achieve the same goal and we want to create a forum for exchange of ideas on experiences, barriers and good practices. How can the data disclosure, the empirical analysis based on hard data, or the data-driven journalism help to increase the transparency, promote the integrity in state institutions and consequently contribute to good governance.
The programme of the conference (pdf):
Registration: 9:00-9:10
Opening remarks by Istvan Janos Toth (CRCB) 9:10-9:15
Maja Pleic (CMS): Experience with Commonfare and good governance from the bottom up (pdf)
Miklós Ligeti (TI Hungary): The significance of freedom of information tools in fighting corruption (pdf)
András Pethő (direkt36.hu): How we combined digital and traditional reporting tools to uncover secrets of the controversial Hungarian residency bond scheme
Tamás Bodoky (atlatszo.hu): Online tools, data journalism and data visualisation to promote transparency, accountability, and freedom of information (pdf)
Márton Kasnyik (g7.hu): The role of data-driven journalism in enforcing the integrity of the state (pdf)
Sándor Léderer (K-Monitor): Civic tech solutions for transparency (pdf)
Petra Reszkető (Budapest Institute): On the learning curve – the could-be good, the bad, and the ugly (pdf)
István János Tóth (CRCB): Zambia, Bangladesh & Hungary. The role of data disclosures in transparency and a brief story of a lawsuit. (pdf)
What should we do? What can we do? – Round table with Tamás Bodoky (atlatszo.hu), Márton Kasnyik (g7.hu), Sándor Léderer (K-Monitor), Mikós Ligeti (TI), Péter Magyari (444.hu), Maja Pleic (CMS), Petra Reszkető (BI), István János Tóth (CRCB)
The conference is organized by the Corruption Research Center Budapest (CRCB Nonprofit ltd.) with support of commonfare.net and the EU.
Commonfare.net is developed thanks to the project PIE News that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 687922.