"When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be."
Lord Kelvin

How to Improve the Public Procurement Authority’s Database?

Public Procurement & Grand Corruption: Report 06. How to Improve the Public Procurement Authority’s Database? – An Analysis of the Admin Modul of Public Procurement Portal and improvement suggestions. [in Hungarian: Hogyan lehetne javítani a Közbeszerzési Hatóság közbeszerzési adatbázisát? A Központi Bejelentkező Modul (KBEJ) elemzése, megoldási javaslatok] September 2013.

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