"When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be."
Lord Kelvin


Korrupció és önkormányzati választások Magyarországon


2024. december 21.


Tóth, I. J., Kovács, N. N., Vida, M. & Hajdu, M. (2024, December 19-20). Korrupció és önkormányzati választások Magyarországon. Az 1998-2023 közötti közbeszerzési korrupciós kockázatok és a 2019-es önkormányzati választások elemzése. [konferencia előadás].  MKE 2024. évi konferencia, CEU, Budapest, read more

Mitigation, Whitewashing, Obfuscation and Manipulation


December 14, 2023


Tóth, I.J. & Varga, J. (2023). Mitigation, Whitewashing, Obfuscation, and Manipulation. Content analysis of articles on the Russian aggression in Ukraine during the first 15 days of the war, based on publications of four Hungarian news portals and the BBC.  Budapest: CRCB.

Presentation at the Budapest Science Meetup in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences read more

Útépítés Magyarországon – 2020

2020. december 15.

A Strabag építette 2020-ban az M76-os út Balatonszentgyörgy – Sármellék közötti szakaszát, belerétve az M76 és 71-es út kereszteződését.

Térképen itt látható a helyszín: https://www.google.com/maps/@46.6774003,17.2166509,12z

Az M76 építése során Balatonszentgyörgynél felépített felüljáró és az M76-71-es csomópont között mintegy 4-5 méterre emelték meg az út szintjét a korábbi 76-os út szintjéhez képest kb. 2-2,5 kilométeren keresztül. A töltést teljes egészében kőzuzalékból emelték a read more

Cronyism in Hungary



April 26, 2020

Crony System in Hungary

This video presents some new results of an ongoing research project of the CRCB.
The research project is supported by Hungarian citizens and Hungarian companies.


September 12, 2019

Toth, I. J. – M. Hajdu. 2019. Cronyism in Hungary. An empirical analysis of public tenders 2010-2018.

Presentation in the workshop of IWE HAS

The slides of the presentation: read more

Data, Public Goods, Public Interest and Good Governance


April 18, 2019


Data, Public Goods, Public Interest and Good Governance
Multiple actors and several methods for the transparency and good governance

in April 2019 from 9:00 to 13:30 at Mozsar Coffee (Budapest, Nagymező u. 21.)

A conference organized by the CRCB with the support of commonfare.net and the EU

Citizens, grassroots initiatives and movements, as well as NGOs, think tanks and institutes have stepped up to support good governance from the bottom up. In the conference we would like to present several actors and several activities which have different professional background and they use different methods to achieve the same goal and we want to create a forum for exchange of ideas on experiences, barriers and good practices. How can the data disclosure, the read more

Cronyism in Hungary. Empirical analysis of public tenders 2010-2016

21 February 2018.

Presentation at the conference “János Kornai 90th birthday ” at Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest,
21-22 February 2018


In this paper, we use the public procurement database which contains data from more than 230,000 public tenders from 1997 to 2017. The analysis is based on data from 126,330 public procurement contracts from 2010 to 2016. The focus of the analysis is public tenders (without framework agreements) won by companies related to cronies and read more