"When you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind; it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science, whatever the matter may be."
Lord Kelvin


Tompítás, elkenés, elbizonytalanítás és manipuláció


December 13, 2022


Tompítás, elkenés, elbizonytalanítás és manipuláció
Az ukrajnai orosz agresszióról hírt adó, a háború első 15 napjában megjelent cikkek tartalomelemzése négy magyar hírportál és a BBC cikkei alapján

Mitigation, Whitewashing, Obfuscation, and Manipulation. Content analysis of articles on the Russian aggression in Ukraine during the first 15 days of the war, based on publications of four Hungarian news portals and the BBC


Tanulmány / The paper in Hungarian with English Summary (pdf)

Summary in English (pdf)

Adattábla (hírportálok): az elemzett cikkek/hírek listája (zip)
Adattábla (HM): az elemzett hírek listája és a do file (zip)


Ajánlott hivatkozás / Suggested citation:

Tóth I. J. és Varga J. 2022. Tompítás, read more

Corruption, Institutions and Convergence. Empirical Analysis of Public Tenders of the Old and New EU Member States and Three Developing Countries

December 13, 2019
Tóth, István János – Hajdu, Miklós. 2019. Corruption, Institutions and Convergence. Empirical Analysis of Public Tenders of the Old and New EU Member States and Three Developing Countries. Budapest: CRCB.


This paper focuses on the measurement of institutional convergence in the new EU member states and four Southern European EU member countries. Previous studies have used perception data or expert surveys at the country level to quantify institutional convergence. We present a new method that is based on hard micro-level data. Our approach focuses on read more

Transparency and Integrity: The Online Presence of Hungarian Municipalities. Analysis of urban municipalities’ websites in Hungary – 2018


March 11,  2019


Transparency and Integrity: The Online Presence of Hungarian Municipalities. Analysis of urban municipalities’ websites in Hungary – 2018

Results of a joint research program with Budapest Institute

The transparency of the operation of the local governments and the follow-up of their decision-making process by the citizens are very important to achieve good governance. It is vital that citizens should easily access the data concerning the decisions made by their local read more

Cronyism in Hungary. Empirical analysis of public tenders 2010-2016


September 17, 2018


Tóth, I. J. and Hajdu, M. 2018. Cronyism in Hungary. An empirical analysis of public tenders 2010-2016


In this paper, we use the public procurement database which contains data from more than 230,000 public tenders from 1997 to 2017. The analysis is based on data from 126,330 public procurement contracts from 2010 to 2016. The research was supported by the Hungarian National Scientific Fund (OTKA, K116860).   The focus of the analysis is public tenders (without framework agreements) won read more

Data publication practices of public procurement authorities around the world – 2018


November 8, 2018


The report deals with the results of 2018 CRCB’s survey which focused on the data publication practices of 118 public procurement authorities around the world based on an empirical analysis of their websites. We analyse two main questions: (i) how easily accessible the data of public tenders at contract level are in the analysed websites; (ii) which pieces of information in contract level are accessible in structured and downloaded format. The report describes read more

Missing Data, Intensity of Competition and Corruption Risks


October 18, 2018


Missing Data, Intensity of Competition and Corruption Risks.
Analysis of Contract Award Notices of Hungarian Public Procurement Published from January 2005 to August 2018. Flash Report 2018:1, CRCB, Budapest, October 2018.


Flash Report 2018:1
Tables & Figures (pdf, xlsx)

List of 268,404 analysed contract award notices, with url, date, issuer’s name and filter variable read more

The Models of Rent-seeking and Cronyism in the Hungarian Energy Market

27 April 2018

István János Tóth – Klára Ungár. 2018. The Models of Rent-seeking and Cronyism in the Hungarian Energy Market. The Analysis of the Hungarian Government – MVMP – MET Case. Budapest: CRCB

In this paper, we analyze a regulatory decision of 2011 made by the Hungarian government as regards the Hungarian energy (gas) market and its developments. Ultimately, this regulation was clearly favorable to a private company (the MET Hungary AG and its successor the METI AG) originally read more

The impact of Russia’s state-run propaganda apparatus on online media in Hungary – 2010–2017

23 March 2018

In this paper, we investigate the impact of Russia’s state-run propaganda apparatus on online media in Hungary using methods drawn from content analysis and distributive semantics. For the analysis, we downloaded articles published between 2010 and 2017 on nine Hungarian-language online portals (888.hu, hidfo.ru, index.hu, lokal.hu, magyaridok.hu, mindenegyben.com, mno.hu, origo.hu, and pestisracok.hu) and collected them in a database. We analysed 1 million articles and more than 278 million words in total. We used read more

Corruption risks, intensity of competition and estimated direct social loss in public procurement of Zagreb – 2011-2016

11 October 2017

The research carried out by CRCB for the CMS is based on the analysis of 5,922 contracts of 4,483 public procurement issued by Grad Zagreb and Zagreb Holding between 2011 and 2016. During the data extraction, we could identify 1,197 winner companies on these tenders which are also the subject of the investigation.

The paper deals with the following questions: (i) What are the tendencies regarding the strength of competition and the corruption risks during the analysed time read more