Tag Archives: corruption risks

Corruption, Institutions and Convergence. Empirical Analysis of Public Tenders of the Old and New EU Member States and Three Developing Countries

December 13, 2019
Tóth, István János – Hajdu, Miklós. 2019. Corruption, Institutions and Convergence. Empirical Analysis of Public Tenders of the Old and New EU Member States and Three Developing Countries. Budapest: CRCB.


This paper focuses on the measurement of institutional convergence in the new EU member states and four Southern European EU member countries. Previous studies have used perception data or expert surveys at the country level to quantify institutional convergence. We present a new method that is based on hard micro-level data. Our approach focuses on read more

Intézményi reformok és intézményi minőség


2019 október 23.


Tóth István János. 2019. Intézményi reformok és intézményi minőség. Közbeszerzési hatóságok adatközlési gyakorlatának empirikus elemzése. CRCB Short Papers 2019:1. Budapest: CRCB.


In this study, we analyze the data disclosure quality of public procurement authorities concerning public tenders in 112 countries based on an empirical survey from 2018 conducted by the Corruption Research Center Budapest. We examine how data read more

Cronyism in Hungary



April 26, 2020

Crony System in Hungary

This video presents some new results of an ongoing research project of the CRCB.
The research project is supported by Hungarian citizens and Hungarian companies.


September 12, 2019

Toth, I. J. – M. Hajdu. 2019. Cronyism in Hungary. An empirical analysis of public tenders 2010-2018.

Presentation in the workshop of IWE HAS

The slides of the presentation: read more

A magyar önkormányzatok által megkötött közbeszerzési szerződések adatainak rendezett adattáblája – 2005-2018. A CRCB adatközlése.


2019. szeptember 10.


A közbeszerzési adatok rendezett formában, adattáblában való közlésével a CRCB segíteni szeretné a magyar állampolgárok tájékozódását.

Véleményünk szerint az az adatközlési forma a legjobb, amely áttekinthető és megkönnyíti a szerződés szintű adatok statisztikai elemzését. Mindez a transzparenciát és korrupció elleni fellépést szolgálja. A transzparencia ugyanis nagyon fontos eszköz a korrupció elleni fellépésben. Minél read more

Transparency and Integrity: The Online Presence of Hungarian Municipalities. Analysis of urban municipalities’ websites in Hungary – 2018


March 11,  2019


Transparency and Integrity: The Online Presence of Hungarian Municipalities. Analysis of urban municipalities’ websites in Hungary – 2018

Results of a joint research program with Budapest Institute

The transparency of the operation of the local governments and the follow-up of their decision-making process by the citizens are very important to achieve good governance. It is vital that citizens should easily access the data concerning the decisions made by their local read more

Missing Data, Intensity of Competition and Corruption Risks


October 18, 2018


Missing Data, Intensity of Competition and Corruption Risks.
Analysis of Contract Award Notices of Hungarian Public Procurement Published from January 2005 to August 2018. Flash Report 2018:1, CRCB, Budapest, October 2018.


Flash Report 2018:1
Tables & Figures (pdf, xlsx)

List of 268,404 analysed contract award notices, with url, date, issuer’s name and filter variable read more

Public tenders of Hungarian hospitals on the standard dissection table of the economic analysis

24 January 2018

István János Tóth – Miklós Hajdu: Public tenders of Hungarian hospitals on the standard dissection table of the economic analysis. Analysis of intensity of competition, corruption risks and price distortion of Hungarian public procurement. Budapest: CRCB, January, 2018.


In the following short paper, we analyse the contracts of a Hungarian EU-funded programme (KEOP – 5.6.0/E/15) involved in an ongoing investigation of the Hungarian Competition Authority (HCA). The investigation was started for suspect of collusion and among the suspects involved are both Hungarian owned firms and read more

Consultacy with the Commission of Budgetary Control of European Parliament

18 September  2017

The head of CRCB participated as an expert in the consultation with the Commission of Budgetary Control of European Parliament on Monday September 18th in Budapest and presented the CRCB’s research results on corruption risks, intensity of competition and the phenomenon of political favouritism in Hungarian public procurement.

The presentation (pdf)

The handout (pdf)

Data publication. The list of public tenders won by Orban’s close friends and family members with indicators read more

Analysing Corruptionas Black Holes – Intensity of Competiton, CorruptionRisks & Price Distortion

3 July 2017

The head of CRCB attended the LEAR Public Procurement Conference – 2017 as guest speaker. The presentation dealt with the analytical framework used by CRCB to analyse corruption risks, intensity of competition and price distortion and demonstrated some results on these topics concerning the Italian public procurement.

The presentation ( pdf read more

Competitive Intensity, Overpricing, Corruption Risks and Crony Capitalism in Hungary 2009-2015

16 September 2016

Istvan Janos Toth presented the CRCB’s new research results in William Gates Building of Computer Laboratory at the conference  ”Frontiers of Data Science for Government: Ideas, Practices, and Projections. Data for Policy -2016” organised by University of Cambridge.

The presentation dealt with corruption risk detection, measuring of competitive intensity and the new way to analyse overpricing suggested by the CRCB’s researchers. Based on statistical analysis of 127,000 Hungarian public read more