Tag Archives: corruption risk

Intensity of Competition, Corruption Risks, and Price Distortion in the Hungarian Public Procurement – 2009-2016


December 29, 2017


Tóth, I. J. and Hajdu, M. 2017. Intensity of Competition, Corruption Risks, and Price Distortion in the Hungarian Public Procurement – 2009-2016. Working Paper Series: CRCB-WP/2017:2, CRCB, Budapest.

The report was carried out by CRCB for the European Commission and examines data from Hungarian public procurement in the period between 2009 and 2016. The data of 151,457 contracts were used for the analysis. The analysis focuses on information regarding the read more

In the footsteps of a kleptocratic state. A presentation at the Budapest Science Meetup

9 November 2017

Budapest Science Meetup, Library of the Hungarian Academy of Science, 7pm

In the presentation we dealt with the effect of friendship and family ties with the Hungarian Prime Minister (Viktor Orban) on the intensity of competition of public tenders won by companies owned by his close friends and family members. The analysis is based on more than 151,000 Hungarian public procurement tenders in the period of 2009-2016. Using OLS and ordered logit estimation and propensity score read more

Corruption risks, intensity of competition and estimated direct social loss in public procurement of Zagreb – 2011-2016

11 October 2017

The research carried out by CRCB for the CMS is based on the analysis of 5,922 contracts of 4,483 public procurement issued by Grad Zagreb and Zagreb Holding between 2011 and 2016. During the data extraction, we could identify 1,197 winner companies on these tenders which are also the subject of the investigation.

The paper deals with the following questions: (i) What are the tendencies regarding the strength of competition and the corruption risks during the analysed time read more

CMS & CRCB joint Press Conference in Zagreb

10 October 2017

The team of CRCB presented on October 10th 2017 in Zagreb the results of study “Intensity of Competition, Corruption Risk and Estimation of Direct Social Loss in Public Procurement of Zagreb” financed by the Centre for Peace Studies (Centar za Mirovne Studije).

The press release in Croatian

Presentation of the press conference (pdf)

Detailed presentation of the results & methods (pdf)

The paper in English (pdf)

Presentation on the DCPP software (pdf) and on the spss syntax file which allows the read more

Versenyerősség, társadalmi veszteségek és a 25 millió forintos értékhatár rejtélye. 2009-2016 közötti magyar közbeszerzések statisztikai vizsgálata


September 27, 2017


Tóth, I. J.  – Hajdu, M. 2017. Versenyerősség, társadalmi veszteségek és a 25 millió forintos értékhatár rejtélye. 2009-2016 közötti magyar közbeszerzések statisztikai vizsgálata / Intensity of Competition, Social Loss and the Enigma of 25 million HUF Threshold. Statistical analysis of Hungarian public procurement in the period of 2009-2016. Working Paper Series: CRCB-WP/2017:1, CRCB, Budapest.


In this paper, we present evidence on some unwanted and unexpected effects of the regulation of read more

Analysing corruption as black holes – a study on Hungarian public procurement

22 June 2017

Presentation for a meeting in the building of EU Commission, Brussels. The presentation deals with three issues. (1) It presents the analytical framework of corruption risks and competititon intensity of public tenders used by CRCB;  (2) it deals with the results of report “Intensity of Competition, Corruption Risks and Price Distortion in the Hungarian Public Procurement – 2009-2016″ made by CRCB for the European Commission; (3) and it demonstrates some preliminary results on read more


10 May 2017

Corruption risk demonstrates a deterioration in public spending. Transparency and publishing the list of tenders with highest corruption risks is a tool to fight against future corrupt activities.

The data reported/published here by CRCB aim to provide significant information by sharing all important elementary data of tenders with highest corruption risks in Hungary for the period 2010-2016 in a well-structured format. The source of information was the Hungarian government website (http://www.kozbeszerzes.hu/), read more

Hungarian Municipalities Abide by the Law? Analysis of urban municipalities’ websites in Hungary – 2013-2015

18 July 2016

This report analyses information disclosure practices on 368 Hungarian municipalities’ websites from 2015 and it compares the results with the ones from 2013 with the following focus points:  transparency, accountability, and informing citizens. The analysis is based on the laws regulating information disclosure in Hungary. The report measures the degree to which municipalities’ websites abide by the legal requirements. Transparency and openness are among the most important indices that are read more

Data Publication for EU citizens – 2015/1

Transparency is a basic condition in spending public money.

This is true for EU funds collected from taxpayers of developed EU Member States. The data reported here by CRCB would like serve this aim by sharing all important elementary data of EU funded Hungarian projects and supported organizations for the period 2004-2012 in a well structured format. The sources of information were the Hungarian government websites, though they do not allow to download elementary data with a simple, structured format (xlsx or read more

Corruption risks of the nuclear power plant development in Paks

On 28th October 2014 Istvan Janos Toth presented CRCB’s research results on the corruption risks of the investment of Paks nuclear power plant. The study was prepared for the Energiaklub Institute.

The study examines corruption risks based on economic theory and the specific characteristics of large investment projects. We provide an estimation of the amount of corruption risks in the proposed investment and we put forward suggestions for an anti-corruption strategy. One of the key arguments discussed in the study is read more